Saturday, January 5, 2008

Eli's Smile

Kris read my post yesterday and thought I was a little harsh. I tried to explain that I was just being honest about how I felt. I recognize that how I feel isn't always what's really true. Sometimes it just helps to write things down. That said, let me write this down. Eli's smile lights up the room. When he laughs, everyone in the room laughs, too. He has more personality in his big toe than I have in my whole body. He is smart, too. He figures things out that amaze me. And he looks at me dead in the eye as if he can see into my soul and then puts his hands on my face as if to say, "Mama, you belong to me." He's eight months old, but I have to constantly remind myself that he's not way older than that. He's a born journeyer. That must be why he's constantly trying to jump out of my arms or let go of my fingers to walk on his own. He's not going to need me for long, and sometimes I think it irks him that he needs me now. But as I write this, I know in my heart that he will be a journeyman for Christ, knowing his need for Him and being A-okay with that.

Eli, your name means "The Lord is Jehovah". You were named with the purpose of declaring that God is the One and Only God. May everything in you that loves to move only take you in the direction of HIS heart. Your desire for freedom and to explore your world are gifts from God. You are a blessing to me, and you were made for HIM!


KateVonGlahn said...

You have such a gift at writing! What a beautiful way to put things.

It's okay that sometimes you want to give them away. You don't and that is what matters. In the end, what you do is enough. It is. Do your best and God will take care of the rest.

Continue to bless Eli as he grows into a man of God's heart.

Unknown said...

can't express the tear that came to my eye as i read. how precious. even the moments of irritation and fatigue and being able to work through it and find the love again. so glad for you...
love you...
