Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm All Better

Thanks for the encouragement and for the "I'm feeling you's". All it really took to dig out of my hole of self pity was a long walk with some good worship music and some concentrated time with Jesus, and I wasn't so bad off anymore. My house, on the other hand, needs more than Jesus. (Unless you want to send a legion of cleaning angels, Lord, and then that should probably take care of it.)

I finally decided to let the house totally go until Eli quit teething. Not like I could do much for it anyway with him glued to my leg like a monkey on a banana, but just saying, "Okay, I'm not going to worry about the house until Eli quits teething" really helped my stress level. Then he got sick, then Luke got sick, then I got sick. Some 24 hour bug. Times 3.

It was pretty pitiful around here. Luke was so bad off that he just laid on the floor whimpering. At one point I asked him if he wanted me to hold him, and he just said, "Nooo." Then I asked if he wanted to watch a movie, and he said, "Nooo." Now anyone who knows my Luke knows that he will watch a movie ANYTIME he's given the opportunity. That's when I knew it was serious. The only thing that perked him up slightly was the mention of a popsicle. We had Daddy pick some up on the way home from work, and that helped a little. But at 7:30 that night, he turned off the TV and said he was ready to go get in the bed. Now that is sick. Now we're all pretty much better, I just still have a sore throat.

One bonus of sickness, the boys are still sleeping in and taking long naps for their bodies to fully recuperate. I'm going to go enjoy my time that's left of this naptime....


KateVonGlahn said...

So sad that sickness brings such sweet sleep times. I wish David would turn off the boob tube and put himself in the bed sometime!

Anna said...

My goodness, glad your on the upswing...

Anonymous said...

okay, you just made me feel better that my house is a total wreck..."I am going to let the house go until camp is over!". thanks!