Thursday, December 5, 2013


Did November happen? I'm sure it did.  I have pictures and tons of life changes to prove it, but good grief, it was a blur!  Until I can catch my breath, here are some moments...

Susanna is learning all about "boy fun".  She's been a good sport so far.

This was our first family meal with everyone in attendance.
These boys love their sister.
You know Eli loves her if he'll let her do this!
Little girl clothes are so fun!
We spent Thanksgiving week in Georgia playing with cousins.  Rae is great with Susanna.
Judah and Micah having fun together.  
Susanna and Grandma Clair having some snuggle time.
November has come and gone, and we do have some sweet memories from it.  We also have a new house.  That is another story...

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