Saturday, June 5, 2010

Psalm 121

"I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip-
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you -
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm-
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:1-8

I knew when Eli was very young that he would push the limits and do all kinds of things that would make me cling to God's promises for protection over him (ex. Hanging from the edge of the toy box by his fingernails at nine months old).

While I was in Nashville with Judah, Kris was at the beach with Luke and Eli, along with his parents, sister and her family. They spent Saturday and Sunday nights there. Saturday night Kris put the boys in the bed and went back outside with everyone else to hang out while they slept. They all went to bed a little later. At 4:20 someone knocked on the door and woke them up. Total strangers were holding Eli.

I still feel a little bit hysterical every time I tell this story.

Our best guess is that Eli fell asleep knowing that Kris was outside and when he woke up he assumed Kris was still outside, even though he was really asleep in the bed right next to him. Eli unlocked and opened the door and walked out. The people several doors down woke up and heard him outside their door calling for Daddy. When they went outside and saw him they recognized him as having been with the family a couple of cottages over and brought him back.

Every time I think about it, all the possibilities of what could have happened immediately start running through my mind. The beach one way, the highway the other way. Crazy strangers. Perverts. Good grief.

Then I have to remind myself what DID happen. God woke those people up to hear Eli's voice. Over the air conditioner. Through their sleep. God woke them. God caused them to notice him earlier in the day so they would know where he belonged in the middle of the night. God kept Eli from going to the beach or the highway. And God will keep him for the rest of his days. So, I rest.

And what did Kris do? Once he starting breathing again, he moved the dresser in front of the door.


Pajama Mama said...

Oh have mercy!!!!! He has extra angels!

We had a situation similar but not quite to the extent as yours once with Chance...and thinking about what could have happened was too much to bear.

Jacki Duke said...

oh. my. gosh. thank the Lord!

Christy Ward said...

Oh my!! Glad he is okay!!

Tutu said...

Pajama Mama sent me a link to your post. Something VERY similar happened to us this weekend at the beach with my 2 year old son. I blogged about it here:

I am so thankful BOTH our boys are okay!