Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Eli

My sweet Eli,

You absolutely light up my life. You come out of your room in the mornings glowing, full of kisses, hugs, funny jokes and silly dances. When I think of what our lives would be without you, the word "quiet" comes to mind. You can't be awake without adding energy to our household. You add so much fun to us.

Let me tell you some of the things I love about you. I love:

*Your smile
*Your kisses
*Your hugs
*The way you say, "I love you so much, Mama!"
*The way you adore Luke
*How you sweetly pet on Judah and say, "He's so cuuuuute!"
*The fact that you "get" jokes and humor, many times even quicker than Mama and Daddy
*How good you are at entertaining yourself
*How sweetly you share your food with your Mama
*The way you help yourself to my food
*Your charming smile
*The games you play when you know you're being cute

I get glimpses every now and then of what you will be like as a man. I see a man who is passionate. Passionate for those less fortunate. Passionate for his family. Passionate for his bride. Passionate for his chidren. Passionate for the Father. Like David, a man after God's heart. Everywhere you go you will add life. You will be a life giver to everyone you come in contact with. You will never stop dancing and bringing joy to those around you because your passion will be God given and God directed.

I treaure you, Eli. I am remembering every hug, every kiss, every sweet snuggle. Even though you are "in the middle", you are never forgotten. You are appreciated. We need you in our family, and we thank God for giving you to us three years ago. Happy Birthday!

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