Thursday, February 25, 2010

Friend Are Friends Forever

I know some of you have just burst into the 80's Michael W. Smith song. That's okay. Go ahead and finish. I'll wait.

Finished? Okay.

My friend Jessica is moving to Richmond, Virginia on Monday. I have known for about a month that she was going, so I've had about a month of feeling like I've been punched in the stomach. She is that kind of a friend to me. Sad doesn't describe it.

To celebrate her new adventure, this past Saturday, Jessica, seven of our friends (and two babies) and I were able to spend the night at Kris' parent's beach house. We had an absolutely fabulous time eating way too much junk, staying up way too late and laughing over absolutely everything, whether it was funny or not. It was two different groups of girls. One group knew each other from MOPS and the other group from Bible study. I have never been more proud to be friends with each one of those girls than I was this weekend. Every single girl embraced the other. A stranger walking in on us never would have been able to tell who belonged to which group. That's hard for women to do, but these girls did it flawlessly.

Jessica has no idea how amazing of a person she is, but we tried our hardest to show her this weekend how much we love her and will miss her. It certainly was a good time!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pledge of Allegiance

Luke recited the Pledge of Allegiance out of the blue today. I didn't even know he knew it. At least we know the money we paid for school is going for more than teaching him how to chase girls on the playground.

Judah's Two Month Check-Up

This morning was Judah's two month check-up. He is, as I suspected, a little chunky monkey. He is 13 pounds and 2 ounces and 23 3/4 inches. I looked back at Luke and Eli's stats at two months, and Eli was pretty much the same. Luke was two pounds lighter and two inches longer! Good grief, I knew he was skinny and long, but that's wild to me. He got four shots, and, other than being really sleepy today, he hasn't been affected.

Judah is even sweeter and more fun than before. He is smiling all the time and even laughing occasionally. He sleeps pretty well at night, waking up once, usually around 4:00. His naps are consistently 1 1/2 to 2 hours, unless we're running around town. He doesn't sleep well in his car seat unless the car is moving. He still has a little fussy time in the evening, but as long as he's being held he's happy.

It's been fun to watch Judah start to recognize his brothers. Luke is more interested in him than Eli, naturally, and Judah smiles at Luke and is comforted by him. The other morning, I was trying to finish a few things before I had to take Luke to school, and, consequently, I was ignoring Judah's requests for attention. I walked back into the room where he was, and Luke had gone to Judah's bed, gotten his passy and was holding it in Judah's mouth. It was a sweet example of what a good big brother Luke has become.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Good Morning Song by Luke

**The video hasn't been working, so I'm trying again.**

Luke came home last week telling me that he sang the "Good Morning" song at school and his teacher was proud of him. I couldn't get him to sing the song for me then, but today he was singing it and I didn't want to miss the opportunity.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Rated M for Mature

These pictures are slightly PG-13. And hilarious. We are so proud of Eli that he has started trying to put his undies back on by himself after going potty.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Judah's One Month Check-Up

Judah had his one month check-up last Tuesday. He weighed in at 10 pounds, 14 ounces and measured 22 inches. Three weeks before he was 8 pounds, 8 ounces and 21 inches. I guess he's getting enough to eat.

He checked out perfect in every way except he has baby acne on his face, chest and back. It bothers no one but me, but I am still anxious for it to go away. At first, I thought it was eczema, which Luke had on his legs and body as a baby. Eczema is not a quick fix and can be extremely uncomfortable, so I was pretty stressed about it. So, when the doctor said, "Yeah, he has a pretty good case of baby acne," I was thrilled. Isn't it funny how with the first baby I would have been stressed by baby acne, but with the third I was just thrilled it wasn't eczema?

Judah is getting bigger and fatter by the day, and we are enjoying holding and snuggling him as much as possible. Which is a lot in the evenings. He has a fussy time from about six to nine. He's not miserable, just needing a little extra attention. It's not very convenient (it cuts into dinner, getting the big boys in the bed and my down time), but I know he'll get it worked out eventually.

Time is going by quickly, and we are loving getting to know Judah more and more!

Bowling Playdate

Luke was out of school MLK Day and the day after (which was just long enough for me to wonder what the heck I'm going to do this summer!), so on Tuesday we went on a bowling playdate with some friends. It was a hit, and we are very ready to go back!

This was right before I realized Eli had a fever, poor fella.

The kid ramps were perfect for Eli, but Luke didn't think he needed them.

He even got a spare or two!

Great group of girls!