Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You Might Be Behind On Laundry If...

...You find yourself dressing off the growing pile of clothes on the chair in your room.

...Your husband has to walk through the house naked after showering to find clean underwear.  Every morning.

...Your middle child has been asking about the same shirt almost every day since you got back from Thanksgiving break and you keep answering, "I think it's in the wash."

And the saddest way you know you might be behind on laundry is if...

...Your oldest child comes home with a picture he drew at school of the family decorating the Christmas tree, and the dining room table included in the drawing holds the ten loads of clean laundry that still needs to be folded.


Lauren said...


Kristy said...

HIlarious! This is so us!

Jacki Duke said...

This gave me a good laugh! I can totally relate.

The Cornett Family said...

I am so glad I am not the only one!